What To Expect After ACL Surgery: A Timeline for Recovery

What To Expect After ACL Surgery: A Timeline for Recovery

[rank_math_breadcrumb] In almost all cases, you can start putting weight on your leg within 24 hours of surgery, and the rehabilitation starts from the first day. The process will take nearly 3 to 6 months, depending on the severity of the injury and your level of commitment in following through with therapy sessions and making…

8 Questions To Ask Your Doctor Before ACL Surgery

8 Questions To Ask Your Doctor Before ACL Surgery

[rank_math_breadcrumb] Table of Contents 1. What are the different options of ACL surgeries available? Which one you recommend for me? A. Primary ACL repair During this procedure, damaged ACL is arthroscopically repaired to its footprint with help anchors. This procedure can be done only in fresh injuries. Chronic tears are not suitable for this procedure…

The Do’s and Don’ts of Recovery After ACL Surgery

The Do’s and Don’ts of Recovery After ACL Surgery

[rank_math_breadcrumb] ACL reconstruction surgery is one of the most common surgeries performed in India, and it can be very effective in alleviating pain and stiffness associated with ACL injury. However, there are some critical things that need to be done, and some important things that shouldn’t be done after ACL surgery in order to get back…

Why Choose The Best Ligament Surgeon For Sports Injury?

Why Choose The Best Ligament Surgeon For Sports Injury?

[rank_math_breadcrumb] If you’ve been injured and are looking for PCL or ACL ligament surgery for sports injury, it’s natural to want to choose the best ligament surgeon in your area. But how do you find this person? One approach might be to ask around among your friends or online on social media sites about who…

Journey to Recovery: A Guide for ACL Injury Patients

Journey to Recovery: A Guide for ACL Injury Patients

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are common among athletes, especially those involved in noncontact sports like basketball and skiing. An ACL injury can be incredibly painful, but it doesn’t have to sideline you permanently. Here are tips on how to treat an ACL injury, when to return to play and more from the India’s one…

The Five Most Common Reasons for Sports Injuries

The Five Most Common Reasons for Sports Injuries

How many times have you or someone else been sidelined with an injury because of sports, exercise, or fitness? You may not be aware of it, but there are certain things you can do to reduce your chances of facing common reasons for sports injuries and risks from sports, exercise, or fitness activities. In fact,…

Arthroscopy Shoulder Surgery : Everything You Need to Know

Arthroscopy Shoulder Surgery : Everything You Need to Know

If you’re suffering from shoulder pain and discomfort, your doctor may recommend arthroscopic shoulder surgery (also known as shoulder arthroscopy). During this procedure, your surgeon will insert tiny cameras into your shoulder joint to determine what’s causing the pain. He can then take steps to treat the problem and get you back on track with…